SEO on the Go: Top 10 Must-Listen Podcasts in 2024

The rapid growth of SEO in 2024 requires more than just reading articles and attending webinars. Google has been unpredictable with its updates in the past two years, resulting in lost traffic for most websites. The latest core update this March aimed to purge and reduce low-quality content by 40%. Furthermore, there are lots of new trends like AI and SGE.

As someone deeply invested in both the SEO and podcasting worlds, I realized that listening to podcasts is the secret weapon for staying ahead. Imagine accessing golden nuggets of information during your commute, driving, or even doing house chores! Podcasts offer a unique blend of up-to-the-minute insights, expert interviews, and actionable advice, all packaged into an easily digestible audio format.

With this, we’ve searched the internet to bring you to the best SEO podcasts of 2024. We prioritized informative channels for SEO novices and experts to tackle the present-day and future digital challenges.

The Best SEO Podcasts to Listen to in 2024

Here are the latest and the top 10 best podcasts that you need to tune in for an informative and fun SEO audio-learning session this year:

Crawling Mondays by Aleyda

  • Average run time per episode: 30 minutes
  • Podcast host: Aleyda Solis
  • Platforms available: Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, and Ivoox
  • Topics: Content, Crawling Mondays, International Web, Personal, Search Engine Optimization, Web Analytics
  • Episode frequency: Once a month

First on our list is Crawling Mondays, a comprehensive YouTube-based video series and podcast. It offers a wealth of SEO knowledge including advice, how-tos, reviews, and interviews, hosted by renowned SEO expert Aleyda Solis. This series is ideal for anyone looking to dive deep into SEO strategies with practical insights from one of the industry's best.

Aleyda Solis brings in a variety of guests to chat about various SEO aspects — from basics like content optimization to more intricate topics like leveraging machine learning for SEO. What stands out is the practicality of each episode – it's clear that Aleyda and her guests are in the trenches themselves and know their stuff.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Conversion Optimization for SEOs - Challenges, Do's and Dont's, and Tools
  • SEO Product Management: What is it and How To Succeed at It?
  • Getting SEO Buy-in: Learn How to Get SEO Resources and Support
  • SEO for Google Discover - Learn to Optimize Google Discover Content
  • The Top SEO Myths and How to Dispel Them

The episodes are pretty digestible, usually hovering around the 30-minute mark, making them perfect for a commute or a quick workout session. If you're a visual learner, the YouTube version adds that extra layer, showing visuals that complement the discussion. The podcast format is straightforward and without any fluff, which I appreciate in a technical podcast.

Contrarian Marketing Podcast

  • Average run time per episode: 30 minutes
  • Podcast host: Kevin Indig and Eli Schwartz
  • Platforms available: Spotify, Apple Podcasts
  • Topics: SEO, Digital Marketing
  • Episode frequency: Once a month

The Contrarian Marketing Podcast, hosted by Kevin Indig and Eli Schwartz, offers a weekly exploration of non-trivial marketing opinions on current topics. Every episode presents unconventional viewpoints on SEO and digital marketing. By offering fresh marketing techniques, the podcast inspires listeners to rethink standard industry practices and transform their own approaches.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Why is Trader Joe's so successful?
  • How to find the right SEO agency for you
  • Do backlinks still matter for SEO?
  • Secrets to Success: Expert Strategies from Consulting Guru, Alan Weiss
  • 2024 predictions

The setup targets marketers at all levels, especially those looking to spice up their strategies with fresh, sometimes counterintuitive ideas. For example, their Trader Joe’s podcast highlighted the business’ focus on community, pricing transparency, and the use of AI chatbots for personal recommendations.

Overall, the Contrarian Marketing Podcast is like a refreshing take for those tired of the same old marketing advice and looking for something that shakes things up. If you're into marketing and want to challenge your perspectives, this might be worth tuning into.

Your Digital Marketing Coach

  • Average run time per episode: 1 hour
  • Podcast host: Neal Schaffer
  • Platforms available: Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, Castro, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Player FM, Spotify
  • Topics: Digital Marketing, SMM, Content Marketing, Influencer Marketing, SEO, SEM, Blogging, Podcasting, Youtube, Video Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, and AI
  • Episode frequency: Weekly

Your Digital Marketing Coach podcast, hosted by Neal Schaffer, is an invaluable resource for marketers, entrepreneurs, and business owners seeking to leverage digital-first marketing strategies. The podcast covers a broad range of topics, including social media marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, SEO, and the latest digital tools, all aimed at helping businesses grow. Each episode is filled with expert advice and actionable takeaways.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Marketing Automation Simplified: How to Level Up Your Digital Business
  • The Digital Marketing Connection Between Content Creators, Entrepreneurs, and Small Businesses
  • Sweet Success: A French Macaron Maker's Rise to SEO Mastery
  • Unveiling My AI Toolkit: 11 Must-Have Marketing Tools
  • Maximize Your Content Output: Social Media Scaling Tips from Expert Andrew Jenkins

Neal brings his expertise front and center, often accompanied by guest experts, making each episode both educational and applicable for digital marketers, whether they're just starting or looking to deepen their knowledge.

The podcast dives straight into practical tips and insights that can directly impact your marketing efforts. It's a great resource if you're looking to stay on top of the digital marketing game.

Create & Grow Show

  • Average run time per episode: 30 minutes - 1 hour
  • Podcast host: Georgi Todorov
  • Platforms available: YouTube, Buzzsprout, Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Amazon Music, SoundCloud
  • Topics: Online Business, SEO, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, SaaS Businesses
  • Episode frequency: Monthly, on the last Wednesday

The Create & Grow Show, hosted by Georgi Todorov, is a podcast focused on helping listeners create and grow their online businesses. It covers a wide range of topics, including SEO, Google algorithm updates, blogging, affiliate marketing, SaaS businesses, and more. With new episodes released on the last Wednesday of every month, Georgi brings his self-taught entrepreneurial spirit and insights from his features in Entrepreneur and Forbes to educate his audience.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Marc built and sold several businesses - 6 different six-figure exits for $2.2 million in total
  • How Trish Seidel got 10k LinkedIn followers and millions of impressions of her posts in 1 year?
  • Why Relationship Link Building is coming to an end with Alexandra Tachalova from Digital Olympus
  • How to monetize website traffic from 3rd World countries - India, Pakistan, the Philipines?
  • How does Bibi the Link Builder do Link Building?

What stands out is the podcast's focus on creating and growing online businesses, which seems ideal for entrepreneurs eager to dive deep into these areas. The monthly release schedule might make it a slower pace for some, but each episode promises thorough exploration of its topics

EDGE of the Web Podcast

  • Average run time per episode: 40 minutes
  • Podcast host: Erin Sparks
  • Platforms available: iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Spreaker, Amazon Music, SoundCloud
  • Topics: SEO, Social Media, Content Marketing
  • Episode frequency: Twice a week

The EDGE of the Web Podcast, hosted by Erin Sparks, is a leading source for the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on podcast SEO, social media, content marketing, and more. It offers insightful discussions with industry experts, providing valuable strategies and updates for digital marketers. Episodes delve into a variety of topics, ensuring listeners are well-informed about the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Getting Tactical with Local SEO w/ Joy Hawkins
  • Drawing The Line With AI Content w/ Simon Cox
  • Reflecting on SEO and Web Development History w/ Simon Cox
  • Design Thinking for SEOs w/ Ola King
  • Search Experience Optimization w/ Ola King

Host Erin Sparks and various guest experts discuss the latest news and trends, providing practical insights and strategies. Each episode is packed with valuable information for digital marketers looking to keep up with the rapidly evolving online marketing landscape. The podcast is engaging and informative, which is great for those who want to excel in the industry.

Search Off the Record Podcast

  • Average run time per episode: 30 minutes
  • Podcast host: Gary Illyes, Lizzi Sassman, John Mueller, and Martin Splitt
  • Platforms available: Apple Podcast, Deezer, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, Radio Public
  • Topics: Google Search behind the scenes, SEO
  • Episode frequency: Once a month

Search Off the Record is a podcast hosted by Google's Search Relations team, offering a rare peek behind the scenes of Google Search. Through conversations with John Mueller, Gary Illyes, and Martin Splitt, listeners gain insights into the inner workings, decision-making processes, and new features of Google Search. It's an invaluable resource for SEO professionals and webmasters seeking to understand Google's perspectives on search and the web.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Deciphering INP and Core Web Vitals
  • What is a web crawler, really?
  • Search Central Product Experts
  • Rewriting the SEO Starter Guide
  • Which aspect of my site should I focus on?

The podcast tends to be casual and insightful, discussing the nuances of search engine technology without getting too technical. It's particularly useful for those interested in SEO and web development, providing a glimpse into Google's thought processes and updates directly from the source.

Search With Candour

  • Average run time per episode: 45 minutes
  • Podcast host: Jack Chambers-Ward
  • Platforms available: Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Pocket Casts, Stitcher and Spotify
  • Topics: Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, YouTube
  • Episode frequency: Weekly

Search With Candour podcast offers insightful discussions on a range of SEO and digital marketing topics, including storytelling in marketing and the impact of legislative changes on SEO. Hosted by the expert Jack Chambers-Ward, episodes explore current trends and practical advice for enhancing digital strategies. Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Is Google becoming more like Baidu?
  • Sustainable SEO and how to make the web greener
  • What is the AI Act?
  • How to get into technical SEO
  • Storytelling in marketing

Episodes cover current trends like the Digital Markets Act, unique SEO career paths, and practical advice for making content uniquely helpful. The podcast seems well-suited for SEO professionals and those interested in the evolving digital landscape. Each episode features expert guests discussing relevant and timely issues, making it a solid choice for staying updated in the field.

Best SEO Podcast

  • Average run time per episode: 40 minutes
  • Podcast host: Chris Burress and Matt Bertram
  • Platforms available: Spotify, Google Podcast, SoundCloud, Pandora, iTunes, iHeartRadio
  • Topics: SEO, PPC, SMM, Email Automation
  • Episode frequency: Weekly

The Best SEO Podcast, hosted by Chris Burress and Matt Bertram of EWR Digital, offers listeners a dive into the world of SEO and digital marketing. Known for its engaging and informative content, the podcast covers a broad range of topics, from SEO fundamentals to advanced digital marketing strategies. Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Disavowing Harmful Website Links: How to Identify Them
  • SEO Podcasts The Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing
  • Psychology Behind Viral Content with Enrico Moses
  • Mastering the Art of Link Building
  • SEO and Web Design: How to Build a Website that Ranks

Chris Burres and Matt Bertram offer listeners insider tips and strategies to boost their online presence. With a practical approach, the hosts discuss everything from keyword research to link building, aiming to keep you updated with the latest trends and techniques in SEO. They also engage with listener questions live, which adds a helpful and interactive element to their episodes. The podcast seems quite valuable for anyone looking to enhance their SEO skills and online marketing strategies.

Confessions of an SEO

  • Average run time per episode: 20 minutes
  • Podcast host: Carolyn Holzma
  • Platforms available: Spotify, Apple Podcast
  • Topics: SEO
  • Episode frequency: Weekly

Confessions of an SEO is a unique podcast that delves into the intricacies of SEO from a personal and professional perspective. The podcast explores a wide range of topics related to SEO, offering insights, advice, and reflections on the industry. It's designed for both seasoned SEO professionals and those new to the field, providing valuable knowledge and perspectives on the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • Is Google Killing Independent Sites
  • The AI Conversation We Have to Have
  • The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Man Often Go Awry
  • Fetch Worthy Content
  • Forced Indexing

Carolyn Holzman offers deep dives into both the technical and ethical aspects of SEO practice. What sets this podcast apart is its straightforward approach, tackling topics that aren't just about how to improve rankings but also about the impacts and responsibilities of SEO professionals. With a blend of personal insights and practical advice, it's great for anyone looking to understand the broader context of their work in SEO.


  • Average run time per episode: 45 minutes
  • Podcast host: Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter
  • Platforms available: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Stitcher
  • Topics: SEO
  • Episode frequency: Weekly

The SERP's Up Podcast hosted by Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter, dives into SEO with a mix of fun and in-depth analysis. Weekly episodes cover a range of SEO topics, from technical aspects to industry trends, featuring guest experts for diverse insights. This podcast suits anyone interested in SEO, whether you're a beginner or a pro, aiming to deliver high-quality insights engagingly.

Some of the recent episodes are:

  • When to throw SEO best practices out the window
  • What’s your SEO maturity?
  • Building the processes for marketing agency efficiency
  • Does AI content rank?
  • Why entity SEO matters so much

Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter keep the format friendly and conversational. They often feature guest experts, adding an entertaining yet educational touch to each episode. It's a good pick for anyone in the SEO field, whether you're just starting or looking to deepen your knowledge.


Each podcast brought its unique flavor to the SEO world, blending technical know-how with actionable advice from industry insiders. Such strategic conversations can challenge our thinking, making complex SEO accessible and engaging. In fact, podcasts can become your gateway to mastering SEO in today's digital landscape – whether you are seeking to refine your skills, want to stay ahead of the curve, or simply find inspiration. Just put on your headphones to get the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the fast-paced algorithms and market trends.

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